let's grow together
Be a part of the curators Galaxy
Make playlist placement exchanges with other curators
We built a easy, fast, safe and automated way to automatically reach out other playlist curators of your same genres. In the Galaxy, you can send your songs to all the curators of your same genre and you'll receive back their songs requests.
Listen and decide which songs and playlists you want to trade with
You will be able to listen to the songs proposed for exchange by other curators and decide whether to approve them or not.
Match with other curators and grow your music faster!
If both curators approve the received songs, a Match will happen, meaning the respective tracks will be automatically added to both curators playlists for the same duration and in the same position based on their number of monthly listeners.
Don't have an active playlist?
No worries!
Together we will create and manage an advertising campaign for your playlists!
Curators helped
Avarage for playlist follower
Constant support
In your dedicated chat
Playlist exchanges
Inside the Galaxy
About us
We're Fabio and Riccardo, two independent artists who started Soundvertise to help fellow musicians grow organically.
Our mission is all about promoting music marketing, building playlist networks, and creating genuine collaborations that foster a friendly support system among artists.